Circle Dragon

Circle Dragon

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dad's Rhododendron

In the Spring in Victoria something fantastic happens, the whole city is on fire with colour. The flowers are on parade
Rhododendron everywhere and then of course is the Azalea with its florescent bouquets
My Grandmother in Wales used to collect different types of Rhododendron. She would remove a small piece of stock from a Rhody during her outings to town or from her neighbours,  then root them to place in her garden.
When I used to visit, her flower and vegetable gardens were wonderful
When my Dad and his three brothers were really to go to university, Grandma would help them pay their way by selling her flowers
My Dad loves Rhododendrons, this oil pastel was inspired by one one his photos of the Rhododendrons in Beacon Hill Park, Victoria
Canson paper

Mom's Peace Rose

In my Mom's garden there is a peace rose
Every year it blooms maybe half a dozen times each summer
It is a beautiful rose with a wide spectrum of variegated warm colours
My Mom loves this rose and has taken quite a few excellent photos
Mom's Peace Rose is from one of her photos
I decided to do this piece in oil pastel because of their vibrancy
Canson coloured paper